

Pajersoft software

Tutorial 1

How to use the Spelling Bee.


Tool bar

Fig 1. Tool bar for Dynamic Spelling Bee.


There are now two spelling bees, one for the spelling dictionary and one for text lists. This tutorial will cover what is common to both.  The Spelling Bee can use three sources for its spelling lists, the Spelling Dictionary, Scrap Pad or text files. Using text files with the Spelling Bee is easy and for how to do so please go to Tutorial 2 .


List Source

The Spelling Bee source by default is the Spelling dictionary and for this tutorial we will use the spelling dictionary as our source. See Fig 2.

Fig 2 Source of lists for the Spelling Bee


Your Scrap Pad pages are text files so treat them like text files when making spelling lists.


From version 3 you can set the Dictionary category, list size and minimum and maximum word filters from within the Dictionary spelling bee.  To set the type of list click the List setup button on the Tool bar and set the type of list you want . Stick to a random list for now.  


Please note:   The Text spelling bee has already had its list created when you clicked Make list so the drop down list Boxes are not required in the Text list version. 


Also while your in your Properties sheet check under the Display tab to see if the timing and display settings are to your requirements. These are very important because they set how long you see the word, how long the keyboard is blocked after the word is removed and how long you have to spell the word.  How long between words can also be adjusted. You can also decide if you want the word displayed in upper or lower case or not shown if the sound is available. 


Spelling Bee

Now Click the Bee Dictionary button from the Tool Bar (Fig 1) and you will open the Dictionary Spelling Bee Window.

Fig 3 Dictionary Spelling Bee.


To start the spelling bee click the Start button. You can stop anytime by clicking the Stop button. The number of words collected will appear in the score and the slider will display the total number and start at number one.


You will have audio and visual aids to tell you when to input your answer.  When the traffic light turns green and the Text box changes to white you can input your answer.  Now click either the enter button to the right of the Text box or press the enter key.  

New to version 3 you can blank the word if the sound is available. To do so just click the Blank word is sound available button.

Repeating the List

To repeat the list click the Repeat List button. What is repeated depends on the settings in your List setup property sheet. You can  repeat all the words or just those you have failed.   


A powerful feature of the failures only repeat setting is its ability to just test you on the previous repeats failures. This means if you had a list of say, ten words and you spelt four correct, the first repeat would only give you the six failures. Now lets say you got four correct, the next repeat would only test on the two failures not the original six. You could therefore keep going until you spelt the whole list.

Using the Learn mode to crack some hard words

The main learn settings can be either flashing the word before you spell it or ripple mode which is what we will use here. Ripple mode is the default setting and can be set in your List properties under the Learn Setup.

To use Learn mode just click the Learn Off button which will toggle to Learn On. Which mode you are in is shown just under the control panel.

Lets say you were being tested on the word HELLO, with the sound on, the letter H would be sounded and would also appear in the display. Next the letter E would be sounded and displayed, this would continue until the whole word is displayed.

To set the number of ripples and the speed of the ripple go to your List properties under the Learn Setup tab.


Using your Scrap Pad to collect your failures

Click on the Failures to Scrap Pad Off button ( Fig 2) and it will toggle to Failures to Scrap Pad On. That's it! All your failures will be sent to your Scrap Pad.

Your Scrap Pad is designed to keep very small groups of words for study. If you find it is building up, copy them to a new text file.

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